Monday, July 31, 2006


American President Abraham Lincoln was known for patience. One day his Secretary of War, Edwin Stantol, sought his advice regarding a heated conflict with an army general. The general had accused Santol of favoritism. Santol complained to Lincoln, who advised, "Tell him in a letter how you feel." Santol wrote a strongly-worded letter and showed it to Lincoln. Lincoln acknowledged his ability for the powerful language used, then asked, "Edwin, what are you going to do with it?" Santol was surprised at the question, but said calmly, "I will send it to the general." Lincoln shook his head with disapproval and said, "Do not send this letter. It is better if you burn it in the stove. That is what I do when I write letters when I am angry. It is definitely a good letter, and you had a nice time writing it. You feel better. Now please burn it and write another letter."


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